
About us

Geomatica Group for Consulting and Services (GGCS) is a young company composed of a group of experts specialized in geomatics, engineering and IT. It offers wide range of consultations, services and solutions in Geomatics, engineering and programming for site and office work like setting up databases, processing geographic information, and distributing geographic data across multiple platforms. 

GGCS offers a package of solutions adapted to the management of 

  • Countries: network of geodesy/survey reference points, geoid, full GIS system…
  • Local communities: parcels stake out / as built, topographical plans, urban networks, area development, municipality management system based on GIS platform...
  • Construction, water and Oil & Gas sectors: MEP design, surveying stake out / As built measurements, CAD to GIS conversion, GIS full implementation…
  • NGOs operations: data management and GIS mapping of operations areas…
  • Real state sector: smart GIS web services to support investors and clients’ decisions…
  • Commercial sector: POS solutions, mobile customizable applications, …


Our Team